So Henna Kit Box (box only)

First impressions are EVERYTHING! WOW your students with our branded So Henna Brow Starter kit box!

Let your students lift the lid on their new career with our sleek and stylish brow henna kit box.

A fully recyclable but ever-so-stylish storage solution for your So Henna kit or collection. These brow kit boxes are perfect for storing and presenting products for in-house training days.

To buy a full eyelash extension kit with all products included shop the below:

For other brow henna courses' accessories, click here.

For easy transportation, grab a So Henna Paper Bag!

BITTE BEACHTE, dass du bei deinen Kund·inn·en mindestens 48 Stunden vor der ersten Henna-Behandlung einen Patch-Test durchführst. Unser Henna ist für den professionellen Gebrauch vorgesehen und sollte nur von qualifizierten Augenbrauenstylist·inn·en verwendet werden.